Assalamualaikum and Hi! to anyone who happen to read this :)

Soooo dah lama tak curhat di sini ye. Oklah, macam mana nak luahkan ni? Dah 2022 dah oiiiiiiiiii!

I'm married last year and this year we are expecting our first child together. How incredible is that sound?

Syukur alhamdulillah for this blessing, Ya Rabb. I've been through a lot, like what has happened really hurts and after all the hardship Allah gave me such a pleasant husband and great life I couldnt ask for more. Saya doakan sesiapa sahaja semoga dia dapat apa yang dia inginkan dan tidak lagi bergantung dan ingat kepada masa silam yeeee. Aamin Ya Rabbal Alamin. 

Ok lah tu je heheh, till we meet again. Bye! Annyeong!

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